Rally to Support Striking UM Workers
Friday March 10
Friday March 10
4:30 pm
County Bldg. 111 NW 1st ST.
County Bldg. 111 NW 1st ST.

Announcement from striking UNICCO employees at UM:
Every Miami Worker Deserves A Chance for a Better Life.
You Can Help UM Janitors Get That Chance.
in Miami on $6.40 an hour.
Yet that's all many contract cleaners
at the University of Miami are paid.
$51 a day with no health benefits.
Less than half the county median wage.
On these tiny salaries, we're forced to make choices we never thought we'd be faced with in the United States: Do we pay rent or buy groceries? Buy shoes for our kids or fill a prescription?
UM's mostly Cuban-American janitors have been joining together to build a better life for ourselves, one where we don't have to make these choices. But the company we work for—UNICCO, the cleaning contractor hired by the university—has been punishing those who speak out by threatening, intimidating,
and even suspending union supporters.
So we've decided we must strike to make our voices heard.
You can help send a message to UNICCO:
"Give Miami janitors a chance to live the American dream!"
You Can Help UM Janitors Get That Chance.
in Miami on $6.40 an hour.
Yet that's all many contract cleaners
at the University of Miami are paid.
$51 a day with no health benefits.
Less than half the county median wage.
On these tiny salaries, we're forced to make choices we never thought we'd be faced with in the United States: Do we pay rent or buy groceries? Buy shoes for our kids or fill a prescription?
UM's mostly Cuban-American janitors have been joining together to build a better life for ourselves, one where we don't have to make these choices. But the company we work for—UNICCO, the cleaning contractor hired by the university—has been punishing those who speak out by threatening, intimidating,
and even suspending union supporters.
So we've decided we must strike to make our voices heard.
You can help send a message to UNICCO:
"Give Miami janitors a chance to live the American dream!"
Support Striking Janitors
RALLY: Friday, March 10 • 4:30 p.m.
County Building, 111 NW 1st Street
For more information, contact
SEIU Local 11
305-672-7071, ext. 246
SEIU Local 11
305-672-7071, ext. 246
A bus is leaving from UM (Stanford Circle) 3:30pm. It'll be a fun event to bring kids to (if you can get them for their schools in time), and you'd get free transportation, so you don't have to deal with the nightmare of parking in downtown.
let's all be there!!!!
Who is the only creative writing faculty sending messages about the strike to the MFA listserve? Is the Director, Maureen Seaton using a university owned mechanism for her own personal views instead of listing matters of literary or creative writing concerns? As a grad students, we are offended with this personal activity using university channels and she should be stopped by the administration.
Alarmed grad students.
Dear alarmed graduate student:
Yours is a sad, sad commentary on graduate education. Do you do your creative writing in a vaccum? Glad you're not in my Department. Why don't you grow up a bit and hit the delete button if you are incapable of thinking of anything but your own, obviously narrowly-conceived interests?
Since when do writers advocate censorship?
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