the unicco workers who are hunger-striking for their human rights at freedom village are on their 14th day of fasting. 5 of them have already been taken to the hospital. today it was pablo rodriguez's turn: he woke up feeling weak, then began to shake. his blood pressure dropped to dangerous levels. an ambulance was called and he was taken to Doctors Hospital. 5 hunger strikers remain at freedom village.
besides the hardship of conducting such a long hunger strike solely on water, these man and women are worried for their families. while other (non-hunger) strikers can still go to their second and, in some cases, third jobs, the hunger strikers are not receiving that supplemental income and their families are hurting. as they lie on their cots at freedom village, rents still need to be paid, medicines purchased, and food put on the table.
we ask that you help them and their families by clicking on the donate button on the sidebar. this will take you to paypal and you can proceed from there (we accept credit cards). if you prefer to send a check, please make it out to the Episcopal Church Center and send it to
Episcopal Church Center
1150 Stanford Dr.
Coral Gables, FL
Please write "families of hunger strikers" on your check. you can also drop off your checks directly at the church's office.
this money is not directed to the general union fund; it goes directly to the families of the hunger strikers.
thank you for your help, on behalf of clara, pablo, elsa, maria leonor, isabel, feliciano, victoria, maritza, reinaldo, and odalys.

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